4-Door Mustang (Is It Real?)

In a world where everything appears to be going electric, there’s still one muscle car left - one that’s still a fully aspirated V8, the Mustang. From the GT to the GT Premium to the Dark Horse and Shelby, just about any Ford dealership you walk into, you can still find some good ol’ American Muscle.

With that V8 power, Ford seems to be taking things a step further.

In this blog post, you’ll learn what there is to know about the new idea that Ford has just put in a patent for - the 4-door Mustang.

A Little About The Mustang

Before diving into this absolutely awesome new idea, let’s chat a little bit about the Mustang. The first Mustang was released in April of 1964. Nearly 22,000 Mustangs were sold on day 1, so it’s safe to say that it was a popular ride. When it was released, you could get either a hard top or a convertible, which is still a trend that Ford has continued with.

The design team had a few goals:

  • Seat four people.

  • Have bucket seats.

  • A floor-mount shifter.

  • Weigh no more than 2,500 pounds.

  • Cost $2,500 (equivalent to $25,000 now).

  • Have multiple options/trims.

All of that stayed true except the pricing. Mustangs are very expensive now. The cheapest is an EcoBoost, which is in the 30K range.

The first Mustang came with two engine options:

  • I-6 engine that produced 101 horsepower

  • V-8 engine that produced 164 -210 horsepower.

With the specs from 1964 to now, the question then becomes “Is the 4-door new?”.

Is IT New?

There are a lot of people talking about the potential new release of the 4-door Ford Mustang, but this isn’t the first time that it’s been spoken about. When the designers of the Mustang were pitching Henry Ford the idea of the Mutsang, one of the prototypes looked like the below, which is a 4-door variant.

Source: https://fordauthority.com/2019/11/classic-ford-mustang-prototypes-with-four-doors/

The 4-door variant was never created. In fact, over the years, there have been quite a bit of changes to the external and internal aspects of the Mustang, but the biggest change was the electric Mustang SUV, of which people weren’t all that excited about.

With that being said - if the new 4-door Mustang comes out, it would be a change that hasn’t been seen that people truly enjoy and adopt in a very long time.

What We Know So Far

As of right now, Ford has filed a new patent proposing the idea of a 4-door Mustang. As for as the overall concept, it may look something like the below.

From what the internet says, the idea started to re-flourish (after the original idea in the 60s) back in 2018. It’s being dubbed the Mach 4. Back in January, Ford’s CEO said that they are in the middle of building something out, so they don’t have all of the answers, which is actually a good thing. It means they aren’t rushing it, which, as we’ve seen countless times in recent years, rushing any automotive changes end up really hurting the brand.


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